The aim of the TAEPS study is to draw as comprehensive a picture as possible of teaching staff in continuing education. For this purpose, several thousand people from all areas of continuing education will be surveyed three times over a period of five years. Simultaneously, an objective is to find out how many teachers and which continuing education offers there are. In addition to the lecturers, corresponding companies, institutions, administrations and solo self-employed persons will be surveyed.

Education is a lifelong process that is of great importance to both the individual and society as it affects employment opportunities, individual lifestyle and social participation, aspects that are typically related to health, life satisfaction, voluntary commitment or political interest.

In light of technological and organizational change, individuals are increasingly challenged by the need to continuously acquire new knowledge and new skills throughout their lives. As a result, there is a growing demand for continuing education as well as the need for more qualified teaching staff.

Given the number of participants, the number of providers, the events on offer and the number of participants adult education is the largest educational sector in Germany. Yet still relatively little is known about adult education teachers compared to teachers from other educational sectors. With "Teachers in Adult Education – a Panel Study" (TAEPS), our research tries to overcome the existing empirical gap.

The DIE aims at providing knowledge for evidence-based policy to ensure that decisions and public policies are addressed based on empirical evidence. Of course, the data is intended to serve research, professionalization and competence development in adult education. In the long run effective further training with better framework conditions can be created.

TAEPS briefly explained in two minutes 

(German only)


All information will be treated as strictly confidential, and the anonymity of all respondents is guaranteed. Please see Privacy Policy for details (German only).


(German only)


Would you like to know more about the research project? Further information on the TAEPS study can be found in the Research section and in the DIE Research Map. (German only)

If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact us via taeps.studie@die-bonn.de or taeps@lifbi.de. Please send press inquiries to presse@die-bonn.de. Please also read our press release about the launch of the survey.


The study, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is being carried out by the German Institute for Adult Education (DIE) in cooperation with the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi). The infas Institute for Applied Social Science is responsible for the survey.


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