The DIE considers the promotion of gender equality and the better reconciliation of work and family life for women and men as an important strategic cross-sectional task. These concerns are therefore part of the core of our self-image and are anchored in the Institute's mission statement.


We have formally recorded our current situation with regard to gender equality and our development goals in a gender equality plan.

A short version of our equality plan is available here as PDF >


Audit Beruf Familie 2010The DIE has secured the certificate with predicate for the audit berufundfamilie in 2022. The certificate with distinction stands for special recognition of many years of sustainable family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy.

The DIE had previously successfully completed the dialog procedure for the audit, which is open to employers who have been pursuing a strategic family- and life-phase-conscious HR policy for at least nine years with the audit. The DIE was first awarded the audit certificate in 2010. After three re-audits, the second dialog procedure has now followed.

The aim of the dialog procedure is to maintain the high level of development of the family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy and to use the optimization potential in individual selected areas. To ensure the quality of the certificate, a further dialog procedure will be conducted in three years' time.

Claim of the DIE

The commitment to reconciling work and family life picks up on the corresponding principle of the Leibniz Association and is an important prerequisite both for attracting qualified employees and for motivated, committed and successful work at the Institute.

The DIE pursues a sustainable family-friendly human resources policy in order to enable its employees to successfully reconcile work and family life by offering them a wide range of options. The focus is on the professional development of the employees, taking into account their personal and family situation. All employees should be able to organise their professional tasks in such a way that the highest possible benefit is created for the Institute without this being at the expense of their private life.

Further information on the audit berufundfamilie“ and „Erfolgsfaktor Familie“.

Erfolgsfaktor Familie


Alessa Geldermans

Photo: Marco Rothbrust

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