Publikation -Details

TitelElderly People in the Labour Market
ZusatztitelA Qualitative Analysis of the Motivation and Characteristics of People Working Beyond the Legal Retirement Age in Germany
Autoren/Herausgeber Knauber, Carolin
Online verfügbar

To work beyond the age of 65 is a process that will soon become an economic and social necessity in Europe. A growing group of persons already work beyond the legal retirement age in Germany and Europe. Therefore, it is interesting to look at the characteristics and motivation of this group. Investigating four case studies from persons working beyond the legal retirement age in Germany, the following findings were made. Most commonly known reasons and factors for longer working have been confirmed and new reasons were added. Freedom of decision, self-fulfilment, flexible or reduced working hours, responsibility in the job, appreciation by employer, request by employ-er, monetary reasons, social inclusion, passion for the job, conception of age and self-conception, competence level, further education behaviour, and health can influence persons positively in their decision to work longer. In order to finally decide to work longer, persons have to overcome a threshold. Most of the time, the way to the final decision is paved by a sum of different reasons. Sometimes, a single reason, which is important enough for the respective person, is sufficient to cause the decision for longer working. Further studies will have to elucidate the importance of the different reasons and factors for working beyond the legal retirement age.

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