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TitelTRIM Training for the Integration of Migrant and Ethnic Workers into the Labour Market and the Local Community
Autoren/Herausgeber Grünhage-Monetti, Matilde
Holland, Chris
Szablewski-Çavus, Petra
Online verfügbar

The partners of the Leonardo project "Training for the Integration of Migrants into the Labour Market and the Local Community (TRIM)” explored the issue of workplace language learning with migrant and ethnic workers.

This handbook is a result of the project to support a training programme focused on vocational, linguistic and other cultural aspects, involving both the immigrants and the locals, in order to achieve an effective integration of the immigrant workforce into the labour market and at the same time their real social integration into the local community. The handbook contains several main concepts that are important for the providers to develop course materials. These concepts are a theoretical framework for the developments of a modular based training programme, to be shown in practice through several examples of best practice from the partner countries. One key principal is to show this framework / these concepts as a common approach to the second language in/for the workplace and also the transferability between different branches of industry.

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