Dollhausen, Karin
Im Wettbewerb um Drittmittel: Entwicklungsstrategien für Weiterbildungseinrichtungen
DIE Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung 2007(2): Drittmittel
30 - 33
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Competing for Third-party Funds. Development strategies for adult education providers. Which strategic opportunities are available for adult education providers which would like to successfully attract sponsors on the third-party funds market? This article distinguishes four concepts according to an organisational theoretical perspective which are widely accepted in practice and only partially combined: (a) „flexible specialization“: the purpose is to increase the reaction period of content-based tasks to the changing orders situation; (b) „Stakeholder-Value-Orientation“; i.e. adjusting the own performance to the performance expectations of the demanding groups (political authorities, sponsors etc.); (c); „knowledge management“: opportunities for competition are increased by setting oneself apart through innovation and organizational intelligence; (d) „strategic cooperation“; it is required to get back to respective cooperation partners in case of project matters and to plan projects cooperatively. Typical characteristics and strategic advantages have to be worked out for each of the respective concepts. Finally, the disadvantages of these four options will be disclosed. Thus, the article aims at a systematization of performance actions in further education.
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