Fischer, Andreas; Hecker, Kristin; Pfeiffer, Iris
Berufliche Kompetenzen von Geflüchteten erkennen? Exemplarische Befunde zur Kompetenzmessung im Bereich der Metallbearbeitung und Metallverarbeitung
Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung: Lernen im Alter
115 - 131
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The IdA KompetenzCheck represents a scientifically developed test procedure for measuring non-formally and informally acquired competences and for evaluating competences in relation to German occupations. As part of the IdA KompetenzCheck, testees are confronted with an occupational profile’s typical fields of action. Multiple action-oriented questions concerning each field of action are presented in order to determine the corresponding level of competence. The IdA KompetenzCheck allows for testing competences of testees with regard to selected German reference occupations from four sectors (Metal, Electrical, Logistics and Gardening & Landscaping). This article uses the example of the IdA KompetenzCheck Metal to demonstrate how occupational competences can effectively and efficiently be tested via paper or computer-based test procedures and which special features are to be considered when measuring the competence of refugees.

For the first time empirical evidence for the reliability and validity of such test procedures is provided: Based on a sample of 162 refugees, who completed a paper-based version of the test, it is shown that the IdA KompetenzCheck allows for reliable and valid conclusions about occupational competences, and that test scores positively correlate with work experience.

The results of the IdA KompetenzCheck and similar tests are discussed critically and in the field of tension between practicability, reliability and validity, as well as in relation to other competence assessment procedures. In summary, we consider the IdA KompetenzCheck a successful contribution to validate “learning outcomes” of non-certified non-formal and informal learning, that can complement (but not replace) other methods of competence assessment in order to achieve a holistic assessment of occupational competence.
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